Frequently Asked Questions

I have a question, but can’t find the answer on your website, or in your FAQ list.

We are updating our FAQs as questions arise. Your questions are helpful to us and to others who may have similar questions, so please email us at, so we can respond to you and add the information to our website.

Who is the Home Share for Her Trust service for? is for women – seeking to share accommodation. Women of all ages face housing challenges and need for social connection with other women. The HomeShare for Her service has no uppermost age limit and is available to all women over the age of 18, including those who have children. Children are defined as being under the age of 18. For more information about this in relation to housing, please refer to Youth Law.

Youth Law 

Men can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau for free and confidential information and advice or Nelson Tasman Housing Trust for accommodation information.

  • Citizens Advice Bureau  
  • Nelson Tasman Housing Trust  
  • Is HomeShare for Her available in other regions of Aotearoa New Zealand, or only Nelson Tasman?

    HomeShare for Her was established to address the housing shortage, particularly felt by many women seeking affordable accommodation in the Nelson Tasman region. The trust hopes to expand the service into wider Aotearoa New Zealand in the future.

    Is HomeShare for Her available to men who are seeking housing?

    HomeShare for Her was established to address the housing shortage, particularly felt by many women seeking affordable accommodation in the Nelson Tasman region. The trust hopes to expand the service into wider Aotearoa New Zealand and offer its learnings to other focus groups in the future.

    I am under the age of 18, can I sign up with HomeShare for Her?

    Women of all ages face housing challenges and need for social connection with other women. The HomeShare for Her service is available to all women over the age of 18, including those who have children. Children are defined as being under the age of 18. For more information about this in relation to housing, please refer to Youth Law.

    Youth Law 

    We also highly recommend you getting in touch with Whanake Youth. They are based in Stoke, Nelson and provide youth health and wellbeing services for young people age 12-24 years in the Nelson Tasman region.

    Whanake Youth 

    What do I do if things aren’t working out with my Home Sharer?

    Please see our PDF ‘Guide to Communication in HomeSharing‘ in the Resources section.

    Advice from Tenancy Services- Only landlord-tenant disputes are heard by the Tenancy Tribunal. If there are any issues between tenants or flatmates, you can go to the Disputes Tribunal.

    Disputes Tribunal 

    We can’t give advice about flatmate disputes. These organisations may be able to help:

    How Do I Message A Home Owner or a Home Seeker?

    To contact a Home Owner, click on the View Offer button to see the Owner’s name. Click on the Message button above their name. To contact a Home Seeker, click on the Message button below their name.
    A pop-up box opens with the words “Type your message”. You have 200 characters and you see this counting down next to the Send Message button. If you click on Enter while typing, it will post the message – you will see it appear in the conversation thread. Or click on Send Message when you’re finished.

    The person you have messaged will get an email from HomeShare For Her saying you have sent them a private message. They will need to log in to the HomeShare For Her website to see your message. They can then reply to you, using the Message boxes, which show the conversation thread between you. You will get an email to notify you when they have replied.

    You will need to message your contact details with each other if you want to communicate by phone or email. Until then, you will be notified each time there is a reply and you will need to log in to the website to see your messages.