
Welcome to HomeShare for Her in the Nelson Tasman region. Read our Origin Story and meet our Home Share for Her team.

We hope that you will find this website a safe and easy way to find another woman to share a home with. It is designed for women with the aim of enabling you to make connections with each other to address your housing need. There are some excellent resources available to assist you in this process on this website once you have signed up. To create an account, click on the Sign up button on the Home Page and select whether you are a Home Owner or a Home Seeker.

Please note, we are not an emergency or crisis housing service provider. If you are in urgent need of rehousing or are in a crisis situation, please see our Links to other useful websites page. If you are unsure about how home sharing will affect your Superannuation or WINZ payments, please contact Work and Income.

A Home Owner is a woman who owns or rents a home and wishes to rent a room or a section of her home to a Home Seeker. A Home Owner can list their property on the website, as well as look through the profiles of Home Seekers. A Home Owner’s profile is created after you have signed up and created an account. See Tips for Creating Your Profile to find out what information you’ll need to provide when you sign up and when you create your offer. Some FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions or let us know by email to hello@homeshareforher.nz if you have a question not answered by our website resources.

A Home Seeker is a woman who is looking for a home to share with another woman. A Home Seeker can browse the website for a Home Owner’s listing or for another Home Seeker to actively go and search for a rental with. A Home Seeker’s profile is created from the information you provide when you sign up. See Tips for Creating Your Profile to find out what information you’ll need to provide. Some FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions or let us know by email to hello@homeshareforher.nz if you have a question not answered by our website resources.

What is the Process for Home Owners and Home Seekers?

  1. Sign up and create a profile on HomeShare for Her website- either as a Home Owner or Home Seeker (see Tips for Creating Your Profile)
  2. Search Home Owner or Home Seeker listings to find a possible match. You can filter your search by region, age, children and pet fields.
  3. Send a Message to the Home Seeker or Home Owner to begin the conversation about homesharing.
  4. Arrange a phone call to ask further questions of each other (see Questions examples in the Resources section)
  5. Arrange an initial meeting at a neutral place such as a cafe or the library, to start the discussion about possibly homesharing
  6. If compatible then arrange for the Home Seeker to visit the Home for a look around and to discuss a Sharing Agreement (see examples in the Resources section)
  7. Consider undertaking Reference checks or Credit Checks (see Resources section for further information)
  8. Finalise the Sharing Agreement and House Rules
  9. Move in
  10. Check in after an agreed period of time